Tell us what YOU want to See (To do or not to do? That is the question.)

Transparency is a key element that we have built our company on. It’s critical to our Mission to REDEFINE The Aftermarket. One has to remember REDEFINE is not just about our parts. It’s the entire experience you go through. The website, the checkout process, the shipping process, packing and unboxing, customer service, installation, after purchase support, content, and more are all part of it. It’s who we are and why we exist. 27WON is dedicated to REDEFINE the aftermarket on all these levels and it's up to you guys to tell us how we are doing. So with this blog, we need your feedback. 

Back at the end of June, we launched our new Projects car page followed a few weeks later by our brand new Tech video series (blog or YouTube). Both of these projects were created to help educate and grow the CivicX community. We not only produce and offer “name-brand” parts but we also want to be a resource that any Honda enthusiast can use on their path to mod their car. The goal is that our website is not just a place to buy aftermarket performance parts for 2016+ Hondas but it’s also a community resource. 

A few months have passed now and we are not seeing a lot of interest in these projects. We get it, there is an overwhelming amount of information out there. For us. there are far more things we could do than we actually have time to do. We want to do things that impact the community. So this is where we turn to you.  

We need your feedback on those two projects. 

  1. Should we keep doing them?

  2. If we should keep at it, will you support us making an impact by checking them out regularly? 

  3. If you like the idea but not our execution, tell us what we could do better.

  4. Is there something else entirely you would rather see us do?

Time is the most precious commodity we as humans have and we want to make sure 27WON spends its time in the places that matter the most to the Honda Community. 

Let us know. We aim to REDEFINE the aftermarket and we can’t really do that if no one is paying attention. Drop a comment below, shoot us an email, or give us a call and let us know what you think. 

As always, thanks for tuning in and being apart of the next generation of Honda Enthusiast.
