27WON introduces new "Tech Video Series"

We are very excited to introduce to you another aspect to everything that is 27WON and how we REDEFINE the Aftermarket. In parallel with offering you guys 27WON brand parts and the best customer service, we are leveling up our support game.

Live now on our YouTube channel is a new tech video series we are launching to continue to be an industry leader in aftermarket modifications for your 2016+ Honda and Acura models. This video series is meant to be fun, easy to watch, and packed with tons of informative content. We are going to cover simple maintenance items like how to service your dry flow air filter and how to perform correct fluid changes on critical parts of the car. We will also cover various part installs, tuning strategy, and help answer commonly asked questions. 

We’ll even dive into more in-depth topics like; How does knock control work on your 10th gen? How does dynamic flex-fuel operate? What is boost by gear and what role does the electronic wastegate actuator play in all of this? 

We hope to not only hit frequently asked questions but also give you guys a wealth of DIY knowledge.

If you aren’t yet subscribed to our YouTube channel please do so that you are one of the first to know when we drop some fresh knowledge. 

Last but not least drop a comment below ↓↓↓↓↓ here or on our videos and tell us what kind of information you would like to see. 

‘Till next time, I dare you to REDEFINE the aftermarket. 


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